Burning Man by Victor Habchy


Fascinated by the legendary festival of the Burning Man, the Paris-based colorblind photographer Victor Habchy crowfunded his travel to Arizona to bring us back memories captured in time, of this eerie and fascinating gathering. Each year, for a single week, thousands of free-minded people and curious persons from all over the planet build from scratch an entire town in the Black Rock desert, a white land burnt by sun and softened by sand. They create gigantic wood installations, whimsical sculptures, wear costumes and accessories borrowed from circus, childhood and dreams or just express their philosophy with nudity and free love. At the end of the week, their creations are symbolically burned. Victor Habchy joined the hippy-like community this year, sleeping under a tent, without electricity or water and experiencing the harsh weather conditions. But the result of his stay is a breathtaking series of photographs that seem out of this world, and perfectly capture the magic soul of the festival.

8 thoughts on “Burning Man by Victor Habchy

  1. Davvero una grande galleria di immagini! È da un po che sento parlare di questo evento e mi incuriosisce un sacco! Dal punto di vista fotografico, poi, è ancora più interessante.

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