Getting more Challenging by David Mor

7780430736_5c1d2a963a_z“My initial exposure to photography began years ago, in the era of film and wet dark room when I was studying architecture and visual art. One of my teachers, a sort of Wittgenstein-type, had a keen interest in photography. In his spare time he taught us the secrets of the dark room as well, and perhaps more importantly, how to implement what we had studied in visual art to real life scenes. These were the days the seeds of my interest in photography were sown. Only years later in the digital period my motivation has changed in a way. I wanted to work all the harder because it is getting more challenging. I got rid of all my modern lenses with autofocus and vibration reduction/optical stabilization and opted for manual primes instead. It took time and effort to focus not only on framing the scene but being more attached, or perhaps in connection, with the scene seen through the lens. And thus in the short period since my confidence has grown I have won several International and local contests, among them the Carl Zeiss 2011 (Every moment tells a story), and the IREX 2012 (Make a better world) photo contests. Whether this is the emergence of a new path or not, only time will tell…”  David Mor

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