Beautiful Seeds by Svjetlana Tepavcevic

Means of Reproduction Series.

Photographer Svjetlana Tepavcevic is crazy about seeds. Ever since she discovered the intricately woven, vein-like structures of a vine seedpod on a trail in Los Angeles, she’s been an avid collector. She uses a flatbed scanner to capture the seeds she collects in hi-res and make prints of them as large as possible. Just this week she collected two new boxes on a return trip to LA from Northern Virginia where she now lives. “I can’t wait to get home, I’ll probably be scanning for a full week,” she says. For Tepavcevic, the series of seed photos, called Means of Reproduction, is about seeing the beauty of the mundane and staying aware of life’s origins. A perspective influenced by living through the Bosnian War in her early 20s. “Because I’ve lived through the war and seen a lot of death and destruction, it’s often what’s on my mind,” she says. “There is going to be a day when all this life is no longer present, everything changes and moves and dies.”

Identity by Luka Klikovac


Have a look at the great pictures from a couple of series, Identity and Momentum, by the serbian photographer Luka Klikovac. We’ve already seen his photos here.

Cuteness by Eibo

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cute photographs of Saudi architect and a photographer Ibrahim M. Al Sayed, a.k.a Eibo. His most favorite type of photography is macro but since he isn’t limited with this only type you can also see amazing shots of many other categories.

Searching for Comfort by David Do


It’s only as tough as you make it out to be. Photos by David Do.

The Music Room by Scott Schuman


Scott Schuman shows off some good photography on his much famed site The Sartorialist. This series is called ‘The Music Room, New York’, which seems to give us a tour through a vintage house.

I really like the paint peeling off the walls, the atmosphere, and also the youthfulness of the lady. She doesn’t have much, the apartment is nearly bare, but she has memories and music. She gives off an ora of creativity and style, the colours and the combination of old and new helps to convey the overall message too.