Expressions in the Shower by Alyssa Monks


“When I began painting the human body, I was obsessed with it and needed to create as much realism as possible. I chased realism until it began to unravel and deconstruct itself,” Alyssa states, “I am exploring the possibility and potential where representational painting and abstraction meet – if both can coexist in the same moment.” Alyssa Monks

More of her amazing Paintings.

Realistic Line Drawings of Human Faces

Dirk Dzimirsky is one talented guy. People are often surprised that his hyperrealistic drawings are not actual photographs. Although Dirk references photographs for his drawings, he uses the photos very loosely once the proportions have been determined. Each of his drawings make you want to stop and ponder what the person is thinking, as the emotion on their faces makes you forget that these are indeed drawings. You can see much more of Dirk’s work on his website or Facebook page.

Dirk Dzimirsky’s website.

Hyperrealistic Portraits Using Only Ballpoint Pens

A lawyer by trade, Samuel Silva is a self taught artist who has always been interested in drawing, sculpting and painting from an early age. His gallery of hyperrealistic portraits on deviantART has gone viral recently online. It’s astonishing to think of the detail Silva achieves with just ballpoint pens.

Visit Samuel Silva DeviantArt page.

A olio

Dennis Wojtkiewicz realizza dipinti ad olio così realistici che viene voglia di morderli.

Fotorealismo da toccare

Che cosa c’è nei dipinti fotorealistici che che ci colpisce veramente? Forse è il modo in cui ci ingannano facendoci credere che in realtà sono fotografie, finché non scopriamo che non è così. O forse è il modo in cui possiamo giungere ad apprezzare la semplice bellezza di oggetti di uso quotidiano. In ogni caso, ecco una serie di dipinti fotorealistici che escono dallo schermo, con la loro bella esplosione di colore.

Gli autori di questi dipinti sono Glennray Tutor, Sarah GrahamCharles Bell e Doug Bloodworth, (dal nome del file si evince l’autore)