I’m going to be a dad by Tom Robinson



It’s generally considered a good idea to wait until the 3 month scan before telling people you’re going to have a baby, just to make sure everything is ok. I’m terrible at keeping secrets, so after only a few weeks I told my boss at work that I was going to be a dad and his reaction was so priceless I instantly knew I had to capture the reactions of my close friends and family. We hadn’t been trying for a baby and I was 29, which for London is fairly young to have a child, so I knew I’d get some good reactions. Tom Robinson

Here some other pictures.

Winter sports by Ben Visbeek


Making photo’s is one thing, editing is the other. Control both and perfect picture will become in range. Recently I notice that perfection is boring. I think photography is about the beauty of imperfection. Maybe one should strive to perfection of imperfection. I started making photo’s at the age of 8. I took my mother’s old belly-camera from around 1950 to take some photo’s at my first school trip to the Zoo. The shutter speed was determined by the speed of your finger! Later on, it was done in the dark room. Nowadays life is easier with Photoshop. What camera equipment I am using? I can shoot with any camera. A camera is just a tool like paint brushes for a painter. Do you ever ask a painter which brushes he uses for his painting? I think only the results counts 😉 Ben Visbeek

Oh the places we’ll go by Tom Robinson


Tom Robinson, a London based location and portrait photographer, who finds himself most at home in parts of the world that are nothing like back home.

Ripe by Alexa Garbarino


I’ve photographed over 100 women for this series and I’m still amazed at how every woman’s shape shifts differently. While those nine months may feel like they’re going to go on forever, pregnancy is fleeting – I can’t imagine not wanting to document it. Alexa Garbarino

Portraits by Daniel Murtagh


“My work has been described as victorian noir. For me it is a form of alchemy and poetry.” Daniel Murtagh‘s work explores the notion of presence, the experience of a person not merely seen but also felt. The influences of both film and painting combine to create a feeling of time suspended.

One by Egor Shapovalov


Egor Shapovalov was born in 1988 in Taganrog, Russia. He is a talented photographer and his artworks are really impressive with an unusual atmosphere in each shot. Watch some of his art and also visit his website.

Anamorphics by Nagai Hideyuki

nagaihideyuki3dillustrations2Japanese artist Nagai Hideyuki has expanded his collection of clever creations, once again boggling our minds with his skilled illusion techniques. The 3D illustration specialist manages to produce anamorphic illusions across flat surfaces, often by lining up two sketchbooks perpendicular to one another. We’ve seen his other creations here.

Ghosts by Sandro Esposito


When you walk through the corridors of the former mental hospital in Limbiate you can almost hear the voices of the older guests that the hospital housed. Many photographers have already described in pictures this amazing place, probably even better than I did. This is what I saw. By Sandro Esposito

La legge comunale e provinciale del 20 marzo 1865 affidò alle Province l’onere del mantenimento dei “mentecatti poveri” e della costruzione di pubblici stabilimenti destinati alla cura e custodia di essi. Il primo atto in questo senso dell’Amministrazione provinciale di Milano (1866) fu quello di aprire a Mombello, nella villa Pusterla-Crivelli, una succursale per i cronici del manicomio milanese alla Senavra (precedentemente amministrato dall’Ospedale maggiore), già da tempo sovraffollato. Nel 1878, nonostante il parere contrario degli psichiatri che caldeggiavano la costruzione ex novo di un manicomio. Mombello fu trasformato in manicomio unico provinciale, e tale rimase fino al 1939, quando fu aperto un altro ospedale psichiatrico ad Affori, che si affiancò ad esso.
Istituzione di primaria importanza per l’assistenza psichiatrica in provincia di Milano, il manicomio di Mombello (ora Ospedale psichiatrico Antonini) ospitò contemporaneamente anche più di 2000 degenti. (via siusa.archivi.beniculturali.it)