Man and Nature by Jeff Gaydash


Jeff Gaydash primarily works with long exposures, often photographing the shorelines of The Great Lakes and Detroit’s heavily industrialized areas. Most of Jeff’s work is based on the juxtaposition of manmade objects with nature.“I am drawn to the relationship between man and nature, and humankind’s effects on the natural world around us.”

The Mission by André Kuipers


André Kuipers joined the European Astronaut Corps in 1998. He supported many missions and trained for his own flight: mission DELTA. The mission lasted from 19 to 20 April. The mission had a packed scientific schedule and André was visible in all media with a huge grin on his face.

This montage of time-lapse photography from the International Space Station is collected from many taken in Expeditions 29, 30 and 31:

Magical Snow by Nitzan Yogev


The trip from Jaffa Canter train station to the Davidka using the light train on a snow day in Jerusalem shot using iPhone 5s slow-motion camera with 120fps slowed down to 24fps, by NitzanYogev

Sorry, it’s voluntary by Teolc Eniger


The pictures are blurry and poorly framed? Sorry, it’s voluntary …. Some imagination and creativity, but also a healthy dose of black humor and second degree. Teolc Eniger

Not About a Single Layer by Mohd Azlan Mam


“Photography is not about a single layer where we are just need to look at it like a normal piece of paper. Life doesn’t have the same surface. I am dealing with the society and I try to put it in a satirical critism and try to move out of the norm. The world need more than a pretty picture, it need something that will push people to think and understand. This is the photography contract for the society.” Mohd Azlan Mam (aka M.A.M08)

A Completely Different View by Kevin Corrado


Kevin Corrado, born in 1992, is currently a graphic design student at the University of Bridgeport. Photography is among other things he does in his free time. It is a recently discovered fascination of his, and ever growing. Through Kevin’s eyes there is a completely different view of the world, which we’ll get to have a glimpse of today.

Never Failing to Amaze by Alice Gao


Having graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, East Village – New York based Alice Gao is a Full-time eater, picture-maker and coffee snob. She’s a food, style-life and wedding photographer alongside taking great personal photos for her own pleasure. Her gallery is full of soft tones and pretty colors, never failing to amaze with everything that she creates.