Amazing portraits by Jack Davison


Jack Davison is a 22 year-old, Essex-based portrait photographer, who has recently graduated from Warwick University studying English Literature. His unique style, artistic vision, and natural talent make him stand out from the crowd. Jack is currently living in America, shooting and developing a new body of work over a period of 6 months.

Wet Plates by Mark Sink


Wet Plates-A plate the film of which retains its sensitiveness only while wet. The film used in such plates is of collodion impregnated with bromides and iodides. Before exposure the plate is immersed in a solution of silver nitrate, and immediately after exposure it is developed and fixed. Pictures by Mark Sink.

Nature by Magda Wasiczek


“For me photography raises my awareness to the beauty of nature. I’ve learned to see things that are otherwise overlooked, to enjoy the smallest of details, and to revel in the beauty of it all. It became my way of life, my favorite pastime and the cure to all my demons… I do not know who or why, what strength created the world that surrounds us, but I do know that it is an unusual and fascinating world with the smallest details exemplifying pure miracles with every sense of the word. It is not my desire to document or show the world merely the way it is. There are many other photographers who can do that better than I can. instead, I aim to reflect the world through my eyes onto my audience, this idyllic paradise of fairy tales. I hope that looking at my pictures, wakes up the child within each of us, even if for a short time, because the world in the eyes of children is always more colorful , fascinating, mysterious and full of surprises.”  Magda Wasiczek

Atmosphere by Frank Machalowski


Frank Machalowski was born in Berlin, Germany where he still lives and works. Frank first got into photography as a hobby around 10 years ago. At first he was mainly into digital photography, but then he started shifting back to film as he found the charming characteristics and atmosphere of film photography to be most fascinating. Today he develops and prints his photos on his own. Frank’s major areas of interest are the city as well as the country side… two opposite fields but to him they kind of attract!

Parallel Realities by Laura Visigalli


Laura Visigalli is an architect and got into photography a few years back and since then her work has been exhibited and recognized many times. She’s mainly interested in portraying our parallel realities through the world of reflections and filtered transparences as can be felt in many of her pieces, where the model him or herself becomes transfigured into an almost abstract creature.

Portuguese Man O’ War by Aaron Ansarov


Fine art photographer Aaron Ansarov‘s project Zooids contains beautiful, colorful, and abstract images that might look to you like something biological seen through a microscope. They’re actually macro portraits of the Portuguese Man O’ War, a jellyfish-like creature that is responsible for 10,000 documented painful stings worldwide. Ansarov collects the creatures after they wash up onto a beach near his home in Delray Beach, Florida.

Videos of the week

Goldfish Salvationfish

When struggling with artistic vision, Fukahori’s pet goldfish became his inspiration and ever since his passion and lifelong theme. His unique style of painting uses acrylic on clear resin which is poured into containers, resulting in a three-dimensional appearance and lifelike vitality. This video gives you a glimpse of his amazing painting process.

SkyMotion Showreel


The SkyMotion Video team provided the aerial video services for the shoot – making use of their state of the art remote controlled helicopter drone. Niagara Falls has of course been filmed countless times in the past using full sized helicopters. However, with this remote controlled helicopter, the shoot was not limited by minimum altitude restrictions, and so was able to achieve shots which were unlike any before. Flying only a couple feet above the water, the camera was able to approach the waterfall edge to give the viewer a true sense of the shear scale of the world famous falls.

Welcome Home


This time-lapse was put together by photographer and San Diego native Michael Shainblum, and it takes you on a trip through his beautiful hometown. Titled “Welcome Home,” the video features everything from cityscapes to pounding waves to railway stations — a journey that shows the city of San Diego through the artistic lens of one of its residents.

Behind The Scenes with Salvador Dali by Philippe Halsman

salvador-dali-women-skull+Philippe+Halsman1951– Nude women posed by Dali forming a skull entitled “In Voluptas Mors” –photograph by Philippe Halsman (in collaboration with Salvador Dali)

In Voluptas Mors ( “Voluptuous Death”), a surrealistic portrait of Spanish artist Salvador Dalí, made in collaboration with photographer Philippe Halsman (1951). The image depicts Dalí posing beside a giant skull, a tableau vivant (or “living picture”) comprising seven nude female models. Halsman and Dali took three hours to arrange the models according to a sketch by Dalí. A version of In Voluptas Mors was used subtly in the poster for the film The Silence of The Lambs.

What at first may appear to be merely an example of memento mori (Latin for “remember (that you have) to die”) is actually a more complex fusion or interplay between notions of “sex” and “death”. The depiction draws upon the symbolic tradition of vanitas (from the Latin literally meaning “emptiness” or “insubstantial”), an artistic style which served as a reminder of the transience of life, the futility of pleasure, and the certainty or inevitability of death. What is unusual here is the incorporation of voluptas or voluptuousness (expressed through the female nudes — “Voluptas” being a character in Greek mythology, daughter of Eros and Psyche, and goddess of “sensual pleasure”) within the physical constitutive structure of the symbol of vanitas itself(the human skull). The image presents a fusion of eros (erotic or sexual love) and thanatos (death) in a single object (therefore, in voluptas mors — quite literally one finds “death in the voluptous”). One should also observe the counterposition between the figures of the male artist and female subjects which raises questions about their relationship to one another.[via androphilia]
