To Study the Earth by NASA


NASA Goddard Space Flight Center is home to the nation’s largest organization of combined scientists, engineers and technologists that build spacecraft, instruments and new technology to study the Earth, the sun, our solar system, and the universe.Please have a look at their Flickr page for detailed explanation of this amazing pictures.

Yesterday I Went Out to Shoot a Sunset by Göran Strand


Yesterday I went out to shoot a sunset I’ve planned since last summer. This time of the year, the Sun passes right behind a big radar tower if you stand at the Swedish National Biathlon Arena in Östersund. The radar tower is located about 10 km away from the arena in a small village called Ås. I shoot the movie using my solar telescope to capture the structures on the Sun. The timing was perfect and the Sun looked really nice since it was full of sunspots and big filaments. Göran Strand

Night dreams by Jorge Maia


“I started photograph in the analog age, but with the arisen of the digital era and its constant evolution, it was easy to render myself to its charms. I like to see the world as through a children’s eye, where everything is new, beautiful, mysterious and have some king of special magic and let myself captured by the beauty of this planet, a passion that i try to transmit through my photography, expressing my feelings and beliefs in every shot. There are senarios and situations that we liked to perpetuate in space and time, the photography works like a round-trip ticket, each frame has the ability to enclose sensations captured on lived experiences and immotalizes them into film. Feel a need to be in constant evolution in my work, experimenting new tecniques, metods, approaches and never giving up on wanting to learn. When i’m photographing, it’s like time stold still, i’m in another world, another reality.” Jorge Maia

The Sun in the Backyard by Alan Friedman


My photographs comprise a solar diary, portraits of a moment in the life of our local star. Most are captured from my backyard in Buffalo, NY. Using a small telescope and narrow band filters I can capture details in high resolution and record movements in the solar atmosphere that change over hours and sometimes minutes. The raw material for my work is black and white and often blurry. As I prepare the pictures, color is applied and tonality is adjusted to better render the features. It is photojournalism of a sort. The portraits are real, not painted. Aesthetic decisions are made with respect for accuracy as well as for the power of the image. Alan Friedman

To record my images, I use a filter that passes only a narrow slice of the deep red end of the visible spectrum. Called a Hydrogen Alpha filter, it is attached to the front end of a small (3 ½” aperture) telescope. Think of it as a 450mm f5 telephoto lens. The camera used is an industrial webcam. It can stream images at a speed of 15 to 120 frames a second. Our atmosphere is a formidable obstacle to capturing sharp photos of a distant object. Streaming many frames in a short period of time allows me to temper the blurring effects of air turbulence. Each photo is made from many thousands of frames. Most frames are unusable, distorted by the heat currents rising from rooftops and asphalt driveways. But a few will be sharp. I review the video frame by frame for these moments of “good seeing.” The high quality frames are selected and then averaged to form the raw material for my photographs.

Spazio, ultima frontiera

L’astronauta olandese André Kuipers, partecipante alla spedizione sulla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale, ha condiviso le sue incredibili fotografie dallo spazio. Kuipers ci mostra la terra da 400 chilometri di altezza. Le immagini che realizza sono stupende. La spettacolare vista dell’attività costante dell’universo e lo spettro di colori che offre è assolutamente mozzafiato. Le foto della Terra da lontano sono così notevoli nella loro astrattezza che sembrano quasi irreali e manipolate. La spedizione di Kuipers durerà cinque mesi e mezzo ed è possibile seguire la missione attraverso il suo blog aggiornato di frequente.

Visita il blog di André Kuipers.