Making Pictures by Olga Valesk

8127200209_23b32b1650_c“I’m a 21 year-old self-taught fine art photographer from France. As a child, I early found shelter in my imagination. I started to feel interest for art very quickly, through painting, drawing, writing, sculpting, making objects and costumes… At the age of 18, I started making pictures, but it was not until the age of 20 that I realized how fantastic a medium photography was, allowing me to combine all these passions. Olga Valesk

Camouflaging Skins by Johannes Stötter

00254272Johannes Stötter is an amazing body painter. His models are blurred into their surroundings by carefully camouflaging their skins.


Underwater by Eric Zener

adrift_30x40_2007Looking through artist Eric Zener‘s underwater paintings, you start to immediately remember what it feels like to be immersed in cool, clear water. That moment when the world’s worries wash away and a sense of calmness overtakes your body. Zener calls that shared feeling our “quest for refuge and peace beneath the chaos of life.”


Amazing Subject by Juan Francisco Casas

PHOTOREALISTIC-BALLPOINT-PEN-DRAWINGS-by-Juan-Francisco-Casas-13Juan Francisco Casas has taken ballpoint pen art to a whole new level. Composed entirely of pen and ink drawings created with a run of the mill ballpoint pen (BIC), each piece is a hyper realistic portrait of an amazing subject matter. Amazing subject matters like girls showering, making out, and biting themselves – all rendered in hi def pen and ink.



Two Shots Only by Ricky Chapman

4_20Two shots only, no retakes or retouching, all on medium format. This is Parallax. A project started by Ricky Chapman about a year ago, it documents the people in his New York City life while celebrating the craft of film photography in the moment. – “I think that at the core, people are the real drive for why I photograph, even if there aren’t any in a certain image, so it was a natural choice. I greatly respect the work of photographers who are able in some way to capture the human spirit, some intangible that can be drawn out and registered onto film for as long as that negative exists. As far as street environments go, I’ve always preferred shooting people in a natural setting, with available light. So for this series, as it’s based in NY, that meant a lot of street shooting. I shoot with a Mamiya RZ67, a 110mm 2.8 lens, Ilford B+W film (Delta 400, Delta 3200, and XP2), and only available lighting. That could mean artificial light of course, i.e. a streetlight or indoor lamp, but no lighting was set up or brought to a scene.”

Suspended Reality by Greg Miller

10_gregmillerfair200503408500Predominantly using an 8×10 view camera, Greg Miller‘s photography utilizes street photography, found moments and portraiture to capture human relationships and a sense of suspended reality. – My camera was built in 1998 even though it’s still an 8×10 camera, and it’s film and everything. The reason I love it is really because of the optics and the whole experience with photographing with the large format. When I’m on the street shooting with this camera, it has this level of importance because it’s a large wooden camera, and I just love the experience everyone has with it, I love everything about it. I understand that it makes me seem like I’m a luddite or something. The process of shooting with an 8×10 forced me to overcome my fear of talking to people, and since it was really what I wanted, it changed my life. – (via


Improbabilità by Giuseppe Colarusso


Italian photographer and photo manipulator Giuseppe Colarusso created a series of surreal photographs, titled Improbabilità, showing various household objects and scenes with a twist. Many of the photographs may look rather normal upon first glance, but then it dawns on you: what you see doesn’t quite make sense.

Looking at the Body by Mona Khun


Mona Kuhn is best known for her large-scale, dream-like photographs of nudes. She has described her work as redefining ways of looking at the body, her nudes often reference classical themes with a light and insightful touch.  Kuhn’s approach to her photography is unusual in that she usually develops close relationships with her subjects, resulting in images of remarkable naturalness and intimacy, and creating the effect of people naked but comfortable in their own skin.


Self portraits by Behshad Tajammol


I couldn’t find any useful information about Behshad Tajammol a photographer from Tehran, Iran, she created a set of beautiful self portraits, you can find more of her portraits at her page.